
Hey everyone! Yes, I started a blog. Not because I necessarily think I have anything that important to say, but because I wanted to create a space for my photos where they can be organized and viewed by everyone- meaning not only those of you who I know and love, but hopefully also people out there in cyberspace who I have yet to meet. So consider this my virtual portfolio.. please bear with me as I get this together, I’m definitely not the most computer savvy girl out there. There’s more to come, so for now feel free to browse around, leave feedback, and of course thank you for checking me out. One Love.

~ by alkphotog on January 11, 2010.

2 Responses to “Firstly…”

  1. Ash, so totally cool. Very, very proud of you. You have a lot of computer skills and amazing photography skills. I love what you are able to capture. Can’t wait to see what’s to come.

  2. so far so good– congrats and i already love the one pic i see… pennypack waterfall- hotttt. george wants his photo shoot next available weekend for you, i’m off sun & mon for the holiday, fyi. best of luck with ALK, love ya!

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