
•February 8, 2010 • 1 Comment

Aaaaaah another snow storm! Sometimes we get caught up in the inconvenience of this weather and forget how fun it was when we were kids. I got to spend the day with some of my favorite people…

Graffiti Shooting

•February 6, 2010 • 1 Comment

One of my favorite things to do is just go out with my camera and ipod and spend the day shooting, whether I’m on a specific mission or just find things on my way. Yesterday I was in the mood to find some graff art to shoot, so me, Brody and EPMD spent some time out and about in Philly.. perfect therapy.

Upcoming Events & Shows

•February 2, 2010 • Leave a Comment

There’s definitely some goodies coming up in the next couple of months! Click on the flyers below for all the details- great Philly artists, photographers, dj’s & musicians doing their thing, yup!

Hanging With Matty

•January 23, 2010 • Leave a Comment

I don’t get to spend as much time with my godson as I wish I did, but I got some QT in yesterday and of course brought the camera…

The Big man did his thing..

•January 13, 2010 • Leave a Comment

So tonight was the first stand up comedy show for our friend Big O at the Tritone at 15th & South. There were a lot of people who came out to show support and I have to say your favorite host just added a well deserved slash to his title! Of course he cracked jokes on people in the crowd (that’s O- and he does it well), but with his own time to shine he had everyone rolling and even making “fishing” noises! Yup, he knows how to capture an audience- better than the 2 or 3 acts after him who had to talk over  the crowd mingling like the show was over- HA! These aren’t from tonight, just some pics of the big man himself I have in the vault–

So shout out to Big O for a good time, this better just be the beginning!


•January 11, 2010 • 2 Comments

Hey everyone! Yes, I started a blog. Not because I necessarily think I have anything that important to say, but because I wanted to create a space for my photos where they can be organized and viewed by everyone- meaning not only those of you who I know and love, but hopefully also people out there in cyberspace who I have yet to meet. So consider this my virtual portfolio.. please bear with me as I get this together, I’m definitely not the most computer savvy girl out there. There’s more to come, so for now feel free to browse around, leave feedback, and of course thank you for checking me out. One Love.